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Why I hated the ending of SVTFE's series finale.

Updated: Jun 8, 2019

By: Nikki J

Okay, so I'll be honest! This show's finale really disappointed me! It had been 4 years since Star vs. first graced our television sets and grabbed us by the shirt to take us on an adventure. In the span of those 4 years, this show has had so many problems from their animation quality to some of its writing to their stupid love triangles that change. The love triangle seems to change every few episodes by the way.

I don't have too much to say about why I didn't like the way the show ended. So, I'm just going to keep it short. Here are three reasons why I didn't like the end of the series finale.

Star Destroying Magic Has To Be The Worst Idea She's Ever Gone With!

You cannot tell me that destroying magic was the only way to stop Mina Loveberry and her army of acid-tripping bodybuilders! You cannot! But if you do, please explain why! Please explain why it took indirectly murdering all magical creatures that rely heavily on the existence of magic to live, because I'm not seeing any reasons why this had to be. Yes Mina and her band of followers were very powerful! Yes, the evil Sailor Moon wannabe was close to destroying the royal family and taking dominion over all of Mewni. Yes it seemed like the only way out for Star and the other queens. But was it? Was it really?

What about about the lives of those magical beings who were innocent and didn't have any involvement in their war? They all have been Thanos-snapped by Star and the other queens all because they couldn't think of anything else. Glossaryck really thought that magic was "in good hands" with Star as queen. I beg to differ. That episode where she saw her tapestry in the room of past queens showed that she destroyed magic. Star seemed bothered by that idea at first, if I remember correctly. The fact that she would possibly be separated from her boyfriend Marco worried her even more. But I was hoping she wouldn't go that route and destroy magic once she saw what the tapestry was depicting. But she didn't. She just decided to destroy it anyway! Oh sure! Nevermind the fact that doing so might be killing a known ally, Hekapoo, who had previous saved them by helping them escape Mina's wrathe.

"Well, I'm about to commit mass genocide and destroy our only form of defense. Wish me luck."

Hekapoo might have been okay with it (Because she's best girl, of course). But that doesn't mean every other magical creature was. They likely didn't even know this was going to be their fate, except for Glossaryck and Hekapoo. The magical high commission, Hekapoo included, were trash and became annoying pest who treated Eclipsa like a criminal. But they didn't deserve to die. Why couldn't Star and the other queens find a way to suck the power out of Mina and her army instead? Maybe it would have taken some time, but it would have been better than just killing off half the population.

Furthermore, what would destroying magic do to help the royal family, huh? They no longer can use spells to protect themselves against evil forces that may want to attack them or other people. As of now the world of Mewni and Earth have been combined. Numerous people who aren't used to these creatures won't be able to defend themselves against giant spiders chasing after them or any creature attack them. This brings me to my next point.

Cleaving The World Together Ruins Everything For Everyone Else!

By the end of the series, we see that Mewni and Earth somehow have been cleaved together. Why? Because "Marco and Star love each other and they need to be together"! Ugh! Gag me with a spoon! Does their love have to ruin everything for everyone else? I honestly wish it didn't have to be this way. So many people on this new version of earth with have to try to survive this new change thanks to Star's decision. Now, this isn't something that is Star's fault entirely. This combined world issue is the writers' fault. They clearly wanted to create an ending that would result in the two main characters remaining together. They just didn't think about how awkward this decision would be for a series finale.

They'll never see Kelly ever again. Pretty sad because I liked their friendship, too.

Sure some of the residents of Echo Creek won't be fazed by the new issues arising in their world, but other people will probably have a hard time handling it. There's a helicopter struggling to fly in any direction because of all the floating magical creatures and tall monsters in his way for Pete's sake! People are being chased by giant spiders and other dangerous creatures for crying out loud!

Star's actions led to their neighborhood being ruined and, for all we know, their houses. What if cleaving together their world caused some houses to be destroyed? What if some people have no way to get to work because there's all sorts of weird creatures roaming their area and they might eat them if they don't escape? What if there are tensions between Mewmans and humans because of this new change? Will Star be able to handle that well? By the way, is the Butterfly monarchy officially over? No one can be queen anymore, right? There's so many unanswered questions! As cute as it seems that there's a way for them to stay together, I just hate how it's this way. The scenery just looks so jumbled up and disgusting that it takes away the potential for the finale to have a truly "happy ending" for everyone else involved. Speaking of happy endings, this last one is just a personal opinion.

I don't like Starco being the final pairing.

Starco shippers must be throwing themselves a party right now!

I just don't. I always knew it was going to happen some way or another. Because rarely does any show for kids and tweens ever decide to not pair up the two main characters. I mean, why not? They're best friends. They've proven to care deeply for each other. They always have each others back, and they've also grown very close in the amount of time they've known each other. Doesn't matter for some of us who would appreciate seeing something different for once.

Star vs. decided to go with the idea of creating love triangle after love triangle after love triangle. There were so many love triangles being made for the series, it would make you wonder if Daron Nefcy was trying to summon the Illuminati somehow! The writers clearly wanted this series to be the launcher of a thousands ships; and the worst thing is....most of these ships worked...when it came to Marco Diaz, of course. I would have said TomStar was good,especially due to the fact that I liked that ship. But Star never respected poor Tom and he went through so much to change for her. He deserved so much better than treatment Star kept giving him. It made me a little happy that he decided to break up with her instead of the other way around. By season 4 he was way too good for her. I honestly think both him and Marco are actually.

They did my boy dirty!

Marco's love issues were the most interesting for me since it was often changing. Since Marco was a very grounded, caring, and adventurous individual he clicked so well with some of the other characters we met by the second and third seasons. Markapoo and Kellyco were my favorite ships. They made sense, they have good chemistry and Marco developed deep connections with both characters. He spent 16 years chasing Hekapoo and became an adept fighter who was wiser a physically fit!

He also aged and was 30 years old by the time his quest was finished. He was old enough to date Hekapoo because he was no longer a minor! Technically his relationship with Star is creepy because, even if he looks like he's still a teenager, he's a grown man who is old enough to buy beer and pay the mortgage. This is as weird and awkward as Aang ending up with Katara by the end of Avatar: The Last Airbender. But of course, they're going to ignore that because they want this ship to happen so much.

I actually liked this pairing. Too bad. R.I.P.

But if they wanted this ship to happen by the finale, the writers should have handled it much better than the way they did. Why does Starco have to be built on the sinking of so many decent ships that ended so tragically and abruptly? All you Starco shippers can say that it was built on "their love" and "their friendship". But you can't deny that how they decided to make it an actual thing was so badly handled and poorly planned that it makes you wish that they didn't end it like this. All that drama with Tom and the constant flip-flopping of Marco's love life was so painful to watch that sometimes it had me thinking that Star and Marco would probably be better off with no one just because they keep proving that they aren't as ready for relationships as they think they are, especially Marco. The guy kept jumping from girl to girl and breaking hearts along the way.

He may have remained friends with all these girls but it doesn't erase the fact that they ended up having their hearts broken so soon, and now two of them are likely separated from him forever. Jackie is the only one that came out on top and formed a new healthy relationship with someone else. But as we learned in the finale, Hekapoo likely died and Kelly is back in her dimension. Without magic she can't be visited by our two main characters or visit them and any other friend she has. Also, let this sink in:


May this beautiful bean R.I.P!

She really did and didn't even bat an eye at it. The only one who was even remotely concerned about it was Marco who spent 16 years getting to know her. So, of course he would care. But Star didn't even seem remotely concerned about that. It is also true that Hekapoo didn't, either. She lived for hundreds of years and didn't mind having her time come to an end. That's understandable, but it still hurts to know since she was one of my favorite characters. Regardless of what the writers wanted for the finale and who they wanted Star and Marco to end up with, I just wish that it didn't take some of these characters dying in order for it to happen. I think Eclipsa's plan would have been better to go with since it would have resulted in a lot less carnage and some people still being able to be with their friends and loved ones from other dimensions.

So much with being break-up buddies!

Kelly could never see Marco and Star again, or anyone else she liked. Also, do you remember the episode where Marco and Tom are with the rest of the biker gang and Tom tries to show how cool he is? It was stated that the activities that the club does is something they want to do together every year. Well, Hekapoo's dead, Kelly can't access other dimensions now and, for all we know, other club members can't either unless they already were living in that dimension. So much for that!

If Starco were to happen, it should have been done with far less casualties in its wake and so little mess. They either could have paired them up in a better way near the end of the series, or have Star not end up with anyone by the end of the series. It would have given her a chance to grow and find herself first instead of having to teeter-totter between her love life and being queen of Mewni. Because she clearly couldn't handle it without their being some sort of issue getting in the way.

I'm not a writer on the series, and yes, the series is over and ended the way it did. Nothing can change that unless Daron Nefcy is given a chance to make a sequel of some kind. I thank Daron Nefcy for creating a mostly entertaining show and giving us so many likeable and memorable characters (mostly from season 2 and onward), but I do not thank her for that ending. That ending really did demonstrate Star, and to a lesser extent the other queens (I'm not mad at Eclipsa, though), ruining magic. They ruined the magic and charm of the series for me and plenty of other fans. At least they gave us what they promised from the moment we watched the show's intro. This series was a little weird and a little wild, and unfortunately a little disappointing. But, at least it was mostly fun.

Well, it's finally over and so is this post.


If you liked this post, please feel free to like and comment. If you didn't agree with anything I said, I also welcome your feedback. I'd like to hear what you have to say. Also don't forget to check back for more content that I will be having this summer. Now that I am off school, I will be doing more post like these pretty soon. See you soon, and remember to stay animated!

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